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Galaxy Cinemas

APR 23-24

Princess Cinema

APR 25-26

Christie Digital

DLP Projection Supplied by Christie

Films and Schedule

Last Update: Apr 20 2003


Das Rad
Mt. Head
The Cathedral
Tom Sweep
The Monk and the Fish
Father and Daughter
More Precious Than Gold
The Evil Wizard
Voices of a Distant Star


Escaflowne: A girl in Gaea
Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Perfect Blue
The Adolescence of Utena


The Animatrix
Corto Maltese: the Secret Court of Mysteries
Mari Iyagi
My Life as McDull
WXIII Patlabor
Princes and Princesses
Princess Arete
Missing Persons + Officer Down
Wonderful Days

Waterloo Galaxy Cinemas: 550 King Street North, Waterloo
The Princess Cinema: 6 Princess Street West, Waterloo
Symposium Cafe (formerly The Plantation): 4 King Street North, right near the Princess Cinema

Tickets are priced at $10 per screening. Purchase five or more tickets in one order: $8 per screening. Festival pass to all screenings: $75. All prices are in Canadian dollars, and are final.

Admission to the Gala is free of charge!

A film guide will be available at the Festival! Only $3 each - free to festival passholders. Detailed film descriptions, interviews, and lots more!

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2003

17:00 - Mari Iyagi (Galaxy - rated PG)
19:00 - Laputa: Castle in the Sky (Galaxy - rated PG)
21:30 - WXIII Patlabor (Galaxy - rated 18A)

Thursday, April 24th, 2003

17:00 - My Life as McDull (Galaxy - rated PG)
19:00 - Princess Arete (Galaxy - rated PG)
21:30 - Corto Maltese (Galaxy - rated 14A)

Friday, April 25th, 2003

19:00 - Laputa: Castle in the Sky (Princess - rated PG)
21:30 - Gala - special presentation (Symposium Cafe)
23:30 - Utena (Princess - rated 18A)

Saturday, April 26th, 2003

10:00 - Wonderful Days (Galaxy - rated 14A) (DLP Projection - Digital Cinema)
14:00 - Perfect Blue (Princess - rated 18A)
16:00 - Tidbits (Princess - unrated)
19:00 - Escaflowne (Princess - rated 14A)
21:00 - Princes and Princesses (Princess - rated PG)
23:00 - Missing Persons, Officer Down (Princess - rated 18A) (DLP Projection)